Sunday, March 25, 2007

Chapter 14 - Creating Definitions

Winkels and Sting

The subject of chapter 14 has to do with definitions in technical writing. Whether preparing a document, report, essay or any other form of technical communication, as writers, we will always be faced with the challenge of using different words in the correct context.
Rapidly growing technology has made information more readily available than ever before. This vast database of knowledge and information has resulted in people becoming more familiar with terms that previously would only have been recognizable in a particular field. This phenomenon has created a problem for writers in the sense that we must be more cautious in using certain terms. In chapter 14 ”Creating Definitions”, Burnett has laid out a resolution for this problem.


Words have multiple meanings. It is necessary to identify the audience and use the word correctly. Burnett uses the example of “insufficient crop”. This term could be translated differently between a farmer and a graphic artist.


Burnett uses the definition for the word volt as an example. One definition of volt is simple only explains the origin of the word, yet another example of the word gives precise scientific information that is complex and full of detail. It is the writers responsibility to choose the definition that is appropriate for his intended audience and conveys the message he is trying to deliver.


Technical jargon should normally be avoided in technical writing. It is too up in the air and fails to give precise definition. Only when the intended audience is positively known to be able to understand jargon should it be used.


Symbols, such as E=mc^2, is more than likely understood by most physics students and most of the general population, but the notion of common knowledge should not be taken for granted. One method of defining the symbol is to break it down further, E(energy) = m(mass) multiplied by c(the speed of light) squared. The definition could even be taken a step further and explained in more of a sentence structure.


The first step in construction a definition is to answer certain question that deal with physical characteristics, comparisons, whole parts, function, and operation. After this, the next step would be determining what level of technicality you intend to take the definition to. These levels can be broken down into four categories: formal, informal, operational, and expanded definition.

Formal definitions: formal definitions have a standard format. Most people are use to this format because it is the format we see in dictionaries. The format is Species (term being defined) equals, Genus (class or category to which the term belongs, plus, Differentia (distinguishing characteristics).
Informal definitions: tend to be the type we insert into communication without realizing we are defining a term. Six types of informal definitions include
1. synonym
2. antonym
3. negative
4. stipulation
5. analogy
6. illustration
Operation definitions: are relative from one field to another. For example, operational definitions for experimental researchers can specify activities researchers use to measure a variable. Or, for an engineer, they can be functions or workings of an object or process. An operation definition summarizes or outlines the primary steps involved in the process.
Expanded definitions: explain and clarify information. They also maintain audience interest and can adapt a document, oral presentation, or visual for a wider audience. Expanded definitions contain the etymology (linguistic origin), history, and examples.


Five basic choices for placing and incorporating definitions are:
1. Glossaries
2. Information notes and sidebars
3. Incorporated information
4. Appendixes
5. Online help

Glossaries: are mini-dictionaries located at the beginning or end of a technical document. Glossaries contain vocabulary that will be found in the document and may assume a certain level of knowledge of the reader.
Information notes and sidebars: may simply define a word or give examples of an idea. Sidebars are often more elaborated than endnotes or footnotes.
Appendixes: typically take into account a widely diversified audience and provide both operational and expanded definitions of critical concepts.
Online help: systems are designed to provided users with immediate information in several different formats. Online help is provides users with critical information online via help systems rather than published manuals.


Bradley said...

Chapter 14 deals with using the right word forms for the topic you are discussing. The reason you have to be choosing words wisely is so that your audience can easily understand and decipher the text. In every walk of life you meet people that use slang terms for different objects or motions.
When starting a new occupation or mix into a new group of people sometimes you’re a little left out on some the slang terms used. Just like when your training a new employee you have to explain terms and have to cater to your new audience, so they can pick up on where your are going.

Larson said...

Chapter 14 is a great chapter, it shows that many words have many meanings, just as they also have many spellings. This chapter is good to keep in mind when technical writing, words and meanings are different in california than they are in minnesota. If you were to write a technical publication and use words familar to minnesotans it may be offensive or wrong in another state or country.

Nisha said...

The chapter "Creating Definations" is one of the important part of technical communication. As for the different documents the intended audiences are different, you should choose the appropriate definations so audience can understand. A single word can have the multiple meaning so we should be sure that the word we are using is giving the appropriate meaning.

Sachin said...
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Sachin said...

We can find lots of synonyms for a single word. But the proper use of the word is a must in order to avoid argumentative view. With the growing technology, and electronically, we can replace the words with new synonyms. As in MS Word, it takes less than a second to replace a word, but what matters is whether it makes sense or not. This is the area where the writers should be cautious of. Use of correct symbols and expanded form of definition should be considered. Looking up for glossaries, usage , online help might help to deal with the words

Katie Drietz said...

I thought Chapter 14 makes a very good point. When we are using words in a document it may not occur to us that it may sound funny. You always have to be choosing words wisely as well as going back over the document and adding in words, taking words out, fixing punctuation just to make sure that everything sounds right and that the document is representing exactly what you meant. Never forget to think about what terms you will use with different people so it is clear that they understand. For example when talking to someone who doesn't speak very much English you may have to improvise and speak slower or add actions with your instructions or explanations. I thought they did a very good job going through the chapter and picking and summarizing what it was all about.

Andrew Nelson said...

Not only does this chapter help with technical information in general, but with speeches and presentations in the same area. Horrible speeches do not take any of these into account and can cause the audience to become lost and lose interest. The difference can also be seen when reading, say, the specification report of a product and comparing it to the product details for consumers. Information is simplified and certain acrynms are not used or are better explained.

detize and shresth said...

This chapter124 is more deals with words. It gives us idea about word to use as we do in our daily life. But comparing what we do about word That words has many meaning and they will differ with sentence structure.As we know the synonym and antonym of words which we should use in proper way to give sense to sentence.As,we know now it is easy to make correct with help of computer. But we know the document should be easly to understand by audience. So that they can get meaning of that.So, this chapter is important to deal in our report too.

Amy Erickson said...

If you don't pay close attention to the words you're using in front of a group of people in the workplace, you could end up embarrassing yourself. Also, it's important to make sure your words and synonyms are correct when typing up your presenatation. If you're reading off a powerpoint or a sheet of paper and there are errors on it, everyone's going to know you're reading instead of speaking from memory.

Amy Erickson said...
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Nick Krekelberg said...

This is a very good chapter because is shows that words have many different meanings then just one. A word can have more the three different meanings. These chapters also shows that words may have a certain meaning here can differ from somewhere down in Texas.

Eric Kithinji said...

Chapter 14 provides very important information that we should pay close attention to be good technical communicators.Choosing right audience is so important because words have different meanings in different technical fields. Now days it is easy to check the correct meaning of words for example in microsoft office you can substitute words and check there meanings.Winkels and Sting have done a good job summarizing this chapter.

dustin.heidinger said...

I think another big thing that relates to this chapter is how many new words have been created in the last 5-10 years with the invention of new technologies, especially with web-speak.

Matthew said...

The chapter does a good job of explaining why we need to be careful about how we speak. We need to make sure that we know how to use certain words in the correct context, and how not doing so can totally change the intended meaning. It also does a good job of explaining different types of definitions and different meaning they may have. It also says that if we want to have credibility we need to avoid the use of slang terms.

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brad said...

Chapter 14 is a very informative chapter. When I was reading through the paragraphs I had a way of relating to what Burnett was talking about. I found it interesting the way she pointed out that words have multipal meanings and words can mean different things to different audiences and a wrinter should be cautios when writing to a specific audience.

Chris Arce said...

Communicating to an audience at any other level than one that they comprehend is pointless. Being too technical does not show your intelligence, it shows your lack of forethought in finding out about your audience. Keep it basic, keep your audience interested you will be more successful in getting your message across to people.

Alex Peters said...

this chapter was about definitons. now that our society hass become so technolgically advanced there are many ways to define certain things in different types of proffessions. but now that we have so many types of technolgies it is easy to find definitions for anything if you are having trouble wondering what a word means. but definitions can cause misunderstanding or miscommunications so you always have to choose your words carefully.

Lindsay said...

The type of definitions that I find myself using most often are glossaries. I know that when I am reading a text and I come along an important word or concept it will explain it right there, but after I am done reading and I want to know what exactly that word meant again it is great to be able to just turn to the back of the book and look it up in the glossary. On another note, I find it very interesting how different words can have different meanings depending on where you come from. For example a water fountain is sometimes referred to as a bubbler. I never would have known what a bubbler was!