Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Designing Electronic Communication
Chapter 13
Erin Kane and Matt Smith

Electronic tools and processes that allow people to share information will affect many aspects of your professional success. The goal of electronic communication is for users to accomplish tasks, sometimes something as simple as accessing information on static web pages

Interactive and nonlinear-electronic communication environments are interactive and nonlinear, established by multiple possibilities for interactions among users, computers, software, interface components, and developers.

Virtual and open- Electronic communication environments are virtual and open spaces. Virtual spaces do not have material, face-to-face reality. “open” means two things, 1) the virtual spaces allow users to move beyond boundaries at will. 2) standards and conventions are fluid, leading to varied designs and functionality, and often uneven experiences for users.

Complex and dynamic- Electronic communication environments are complex and dynamic development efforts that integrate divers components. Complex development efforts include managing both static and dynamic content, hundreds of individual text and graphic files, changes rapidly, designers must plan for differences in users’ available technology.

Types of Electronic Communication

The capabilities of the Web have changed dramatically. People are now using hand held devices such as PDA’s and cell phones where they can store and send information. These examples of electronic communication results from the convergence of hardware and software, engineering and programming, connectivity and content. The World Wide Web is the largest part of the internet. It is a huge network comprised of other networks and millions of individual computers. Internet participants use a protocol called TCP/IP (transmission control protocol/internet protocol) that allows computers to locate and communicate with each other. To use the internet people must have access to one of the networks on the internet. This is generally accomplished by establishing a connection from the client computer and a modem to an internet service provider that is connected to the internet.

Principles and Practices of Effective Design

Information architecture: The framework that structures content. The structure should meet the goals and expectations of the users. They can be sequential (web pages that link to the next in a linear style). They can be hierarchical (outline format). Or they can be interlinked (less structured, liberal linked).

Page/screen design: The look and feel of the information in the space on the screen. Another mechanism to help users understand information organization and content

Content: Organized and written differently for electronic communication than for traditional print documents. The style of content should match users’ ways of finding and reading information using electronic devices.

Information Architecture
Organizing information
Labeling information
Navigating information

Writing for Electronic Communication
Be concise: Low-resolution computer screens make reading from a monitor more difficult than reading on paper.

Keep chunks of text short: Readers of electronic documents need minimal text. Write chunks between 150-200 words, then edit so you get
each chucks to about 60 words.

Use headings and bulleted lists

Use active voice: Active voice identifies the doer of the action, so the action is clearer and readers are more engaged

Consider international readers: The whole world may read your message; therefore, avoid culture-specific idioms and metaphors

People involved in professional communication must be aware of accessible design concepts as they relate to information development and management. Developers need to follow these useful practices:

Understand the opportunities and limitations of the virtual enviroment and its potential users

Know something about the assistive hardware and software available and be aware of how the design of electronic information could impact the technology your audience may be using.

Use various methods for providing information so that you accommodate the greates number of visitors.


Katie Drietz said...

Designing Electronic Communication is very important becuase we use it every single day. There isn't a day that goes by that we dont' talk on the telephone, e-mail someone, recieve and e-mail or text message someone. There are different ways of creating electronic communication and you always have to remember to make the information accessable, easy to understand and it has to appeal to many different audience types. I think they did a good job describing the different ways of Designing electronic communication, maybe next time make the heading a little bigger and higlight the sub headings. Good job!

Chris Arce said...

Electronic communication is going to be around for a long time. There are many positive aspects and many negative aspects as well. Unfortunately one of the biggest drawbacks that I see is with electronic communication comes a lack of personal interaction and a loss of true customer service. I've never heard an electronic voice say I'm sorry, or how can we resolve this? When I have a good experience somewhere I like to be able to recognize them to their superiors. An electronic voice telling me to press this now as I try to find my way throug an electronic menu just so I can leave a voicemail kind of ruins the whole experience. Kane and Smith did a good job, but I would have to agree with Katie, making it something other than plain and generic would help.

dwinkels said...

Electronic communication is a major part of technical communications. This class and this blog is a great example of electronic communication. With blogs, people from around the world can communicate and share ideas in little time. One point Burnett talks about is virtual and open-electronic communication. Virtual communication is becoming more and more popular and its sophistication level is increasing to a point were real-time satellite communications is evolving to the point that conferences, interviews, and communication can be accomplished between several bodies from multiple areas around the globe.

Bradley said...

Electronic sending of information is becoming a must in every industry and profession. Whether it is by email, fax, web page, the list goes on and on. There are many different variables we need to think of when sending information electronically. There are different devices to send information on the go. The one I am most familiar with is a Black Berry. It is like an IPAC or Palm. It has integrated software to help run your business on the go. You can send and receive emails and other data relative to your job your on.

Eric Kithinji said...

With advance in technology, electronic communication has played a big role in technical communication. There are so many software applications that are so easy to use and available to create electronic documents with ease. Applications such as Microsoft Word, Adobe acrobat, Macromedia dream weaver, Microsoft FrontPage, and others online such as docs.google, blog sites, you tube and so forth. It is easy to create such documents but one has to understand the principles of effective design for various electronic media. Web pages are the most common electronic communication. Almost every organization has a website where they post important information regarding the organization. Sending e-mails and chatting on instant messengers is another common type electronic communication. Most manuals provided by manufacturers are provided in both hard copies and electronic versions.

Nick Krekelberg said...

This is a very good summery of this chapter. Electrical communicating is our number one way of commutation. Right now by doing this blog we are communicating with electronics. Email is also one of the big electronic ways of communication. I think this is very important. Talking on the phone or texting people is a really big way of communication right now.

brad said...

I think this chapter was summarized very well. It was easy for me to understand. I think electronic communication is very important because it is an every day tool that we use to communicate. Most people in the world use electronic communication every single day through phones, e-mail, etc... One of the most important factors in electronic communication is making sure it is easy to understand. The electronic communication has to relate to many different types of audiences. I think it is very interesting how technical electronic communication is getting. Cell phone are now out dated if they do not have a camera on them and regular TV's will soon be replaced by all high defination TV's. I think it is going to be interesting to see where technology and electronic communication is going to be in 50 years.

shrestha nisha said...

Electronic communication plays a major role in technical communication, the best example I have is the use of docs.google and bolgs in this class. Designing Electronic communication is important; it saves time and is more effective in this technical world.
We used different form of electronic communication in our every day, no matter its face book, email, or cell phones, they all comes under electronic communication. The chapter summery is important to know for technical communication. You guys did a great job in presenting the chapter

Andrew Nelson said...

As with most people, I find myself using electronic communication in some way on a daily basis. As I also admin a website, I have had to play with various ways of displaying information to insure that every reader will find the given information easily accessable and understandable. That has been a much more difficult task to undertake, but the information contained in this chapter has greatly helped.

Alex Peters said...

designing electronic communications has been a very important part of alot of our lives. 50 years ago there wasnt even a fraction of the amount of technology that we have in our world today. and now that we have these electronic ways of communication we are able to be much more effective when doing work just because if we need to know something we can find the information about the subject in many different ways.

Sachin said...

As everybody knows, the World Wide Web is the largest part of the internet.
The capabilities of the Web have changed dramatically. The Internet was used to be just for US defense. Now the expansion of internet has made it easier for electronic communication. Also, people are now using hand held devices such as PDA’s and cell phones where they can store and send information. These examples of electronic communication results from the convergence of hardware and software, engineering and programming, connectivity and content. The post by Mr. Kane and Mr. Smith is very helpful to make us understand about the electronic communication.

detize and shresth said...

This chapter Designing electronic communication is basic part in daily life. We use website which is electronic communication where we get many information. AS i am computer student so that i should use computer every time. This make me to use many things like email,websites etc.This summary is full of information about electronic communication.

Lindsay said...

The different forms of electronic communication out there today are unlimited. We all use at least one form every single day. One thing I find negative about electronic communication is that I get so used to typing the way I speak to my friends and so then when I get into a situation where I need to type formally it can be rather difficult. However, I believe electronic communication is a good thing. There are many different forms from blogs like this one to instant messaging. It sure does bring my cell phone bill down!

stingd said...

i think this chapter was summarized very well. electronic communication has made huge leaps and bounds over the past 20 years. just think about cell phones, wireless internet, faxes. All of those types of communication had to be thought up and desidned by some very intelligent people. i think that too much elecontronic communication can be a bad thing. if you only talk to your girlfriend over text messages, i dont think u have a very healthy relationship